Study Abroad
Adventure Awaits When students attend open houses and orientation, studying abroad is always a popular topic. Everyone dreams of adventure in far off lands. There isn’t much debate online about the benefits of studying abroad. You’ll find an overwhelming bounty of articles expounding on the many benefits of spreading your wings. While they are harder to find, there ... Study Abroad
10 College Towns with Underrated Food Scenes
When it comes to colleges that enjoy the best food scenes, the obvious choices are schools in big metropolises like New York, LA, Chicago, and San Francisco. Then there are ones that any self-respecting foodie will count, like University of Texas in Austin and Tulane in New Orleans. Here, we're going to shed light on what we consider some of the more under-appreciated college towns when it comes to cuisine.
Taking a course over the winter break is a good way to get ahead on credits but is it worth the extra effort? To answer that question, you’ll need to consider a lot of options: The first thing to do is talk with your adviser. They will have more info on how to register, what ... Winterim
FAFSA Time Again
As high school seniors and college students, you can’t avoid the topic of the FAFSA. But what is it, why is it important, what are the timelines and what do you need to do? FAFSA stands for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA is the only way to apply for federal student aid, such ... FAFSA Time Again
Stressed Out
Finals can be the cause of cold sweats, sleepless nights, and nervous fidgeting. While there is a lot riding on comprehensive exams, they are simply the culmination of all your hard work throughout the semester. You won’t be able to perform well on the exams if you’re too stressed out, so stay cool. That’s easy ... Stressed Out
10 Coldest College Campuses in America
Are you equipped to weather the cold next semester? Did you remember to pack a down jacket, thick comforter, and winter gloves when you return from break? You'd better if you're a student at one of these colleges. Here we present the ten coldest college campuses in the US!